Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sacred Service of Worship & Prayer focused on the Gulf of Mexico

Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday, I'll be interviewed by Dr. Tom Termotto during a special sacred worship & prayer meeting focusing on the recent events happening in the Gulf of Mexico. Here is the information if you'd like to join us on this teleseminar call.

WHAT: A Sacred Service of Worship and Prayer focused on the Gulf of Mexico

WHEN: Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 1PM (EST) - 1 hour service

WHERE: Click here for link to the Sacred Service of Worship & Prayer focused on the Gulf of Mexico including an interview with author, Alan Gompers.

WHY: Healing and Reconciliation of the Peoples of the World

HOW: Through Ceremony and Song and Worship

WHO: Great Souls & Great Hearts & Great Spirits around the Globe

HOST: Radiant Life Foundation, Inc. , Four Worlds International Institute, and Nana's Natural Foods

MC's: Dr. Tom Termotto, Chief Phil Lane, and Rev. Louise White


Dial Tel # - (712) 432-0075

Access Code - 769514#

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Miracles in Macrobiotics

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday, June 13, 2010, I was interviewed by Phiya Kushi, the son of the world-renowned healer Mischio Kushi. During this call I described how I discovered "true" freedom while I was serving a 15-life sentence in prison and how I was able to meditate and practice a healthy diet while behind bars.

Here is the link so you can listen and download the interview for yourself.